The "I" Team
With an average of 20 years
experience each, the County
Communications "I" Team is
made up of highly skilled
communications technicians  
specializing in large fleet

With four technicians, seven
installers and two tower riggers,
we are available to provide the
installation of a system anywhere
in northern New England.
Bartlett, NH Radio Shop
The Team:
Bill, Mark, Al, Ed, Ned,
Wayne, Kevin, Ralph,
Scott, James and Will
Scott - Portland, ME
Ralph - Portland, ME
With the right team, the right equipment and most importantly, the right people, the "I" team
has been able to complete specialty jobs anywhere, at anytime, and in any weather.
Brewer, ME - 40 Mobile
Gorham, NH
Gorham, NH
Gorham, NH
Al and Ralph on Wildcat Mountain
Conway, NH
Brewer, ME
Bill - Bartlett, NH
Wayne - Portland, ME
Al on the roof in Barre, VT
Mark - Brewer, ME
Our Antennas on Mount Washington